Free Transcript Eligibility

Butler students graduated or graduating-you are permitted up to five free official transcripts from the time you filed for graduation until one year after you graduate. Your graduation date is the date you complete your program, not the date of the ceremony.

  • Current Butler students who need a transcript sent directly to a scholarship agency. If you can’t have your transcript directly sent to the agency, see our FAQs below for other options.
  • Current Butler students who are studying abroad through Center for Global Education (CGE) or Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA).
  • Current Butler students applying for Pharmacy Licensing
  • Current Butler students who are applying for Butler’s Pharmacy program through PharmCAS
  • Current students enrolled in the Shortridge Early College Program.

Butler staff cannot email either your official or unofficial transcript because email is not secure. If you need to have your transcript sent to an email address, you MUST order it through the National Student Clearinghouse, where it can securely be sent electronically to an email address. Complete the Free Transcript Request Form and upload it in your order as an attachment. If you need to submit other forms with your transcript, you may upload them as a pdf into your order, as well. If you forget to upload the attachment into your order, contact to cancel your order so that you can resubmit it with the free transcript form attached. We must have the attachment in the order, so that our processors know to reduce your transcript fee of $9.50 before your credit card is charged. You will be charged a $2.90 processing fee. For more details, see our FAQ section below.

If you are having your transcript mailed to a mailing address (not to an email address) submit the Free Transcript Request Form by one of the following options:

  • By email, attaching your completed request form with your legal signature to (this is the preferred method)
  • In person at Jordan Hall 180 during office hours; appointments preferred (please bring a picture ID)
  • By fax to 317-940-6539
  • By mail to:Butler UniversityRegistration and Records4600 Sunset AvenueIndianapolis, IN 46208

Butler graduates applying for admission to another Butler program through Butler’s Office of Admission do not need to request a Butler transcript through Registration and Records. The Office of Admission can access your Butler transcript.

Don’t qualify for a free transcript? You can order your official transcript here.